After the call went out on Monday a number of club members headed to the beach meeting up at the South Brighton Surf Club. Ivan was there first as usual. Although the wind was not perfect direction there was enough to head down to Sumner and have a blast around on the spit end. 7 members turned up in the end although a couple didn’t make it down to the end. Tommy started off having to chase his kart down the beach and was finding it hard to sail into the wind to get to Sumner.

Once we arrive at the end of the peninsular it was all go with a good cross wind and plenty of speed. Lots of fun sliding around. Mitchell Denton was back to his free styling best and was putting a show on for the cameras although did manage to overcooked it. Amanda Norris was also seen sampling the sand with “windercator” thrown across the beach.

Davie Norris also getting some sideways sliding corner practice in for his next beach competition. Michael Denton and Ivan Purtle enjoyed the speed with power sides and gybes.

A great day down the beach with us all scampering back home down the beach before a predicted hail storm was due to hit.

Monday Beach Funday Video;